Did you know that Everyday Foods are really Superhero Foods in disguise?

Superhero Food characters aim to engage students to improve their self-efficacy around making healthy food and lifestyle choices.

Superhero Foods provide a fresh approach to teaching students about nutrition and cooking using key messages and themes linked to the current guidelines promoted in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.

Healthy Foods live in Healthy Town

Everyday foods that are inexpensive, nutritious and readily available can be “Superhero Foods”. The inspiration behind Superhero Foods is we don’t need to eat fancy, expensive foods to enjoy good health. A storyline has been developed to enable the dissemination of the Superhero Foods concept. Everyday Foods which live in Healthy Town transform into their Superhero Foods alias to battle the body monsters Decay, Illness and Obesity and Zombie food characters which represent discretionary or extra foods.


To make our nutrition resources more engaging and fun for kids, we have developed a Superhero theme integrated through all our resources. These characters assist us in promoting the benefits of eating healthy everyday foods to kids. Meet some of our superhero characters below.

Super Fruity
Packed with potassium to power up the heart
Mean Green
Bursting with folate to keep cells healthy
Speedy Cheese
Crazy, full of calcium for super strong bones
Energises your body and brain
Flying Fish
Dripping with omega 3 for super healthy hearts