Terms & Conditions

By visiting and using the Superhero Foods HQ accessible at https://www.superherofoodshq.org.au/ (“Site”) developed by Foodbank WA, including any of the content or information it contains, the following terms and conditions apply.

In using this Site you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

This document is intended as a reference guide to the Superhero Foods resources produced by Foodbank WA. For specific details about how products and images may be deployed and used, see the ‘Definitions’ section which follows the ‘Product Disclaimer & General Use’ section. Careful and thorough review of this document is essential to you and/or your organisation’s compliance with all applicable provisions of your agreement with Foodbank WA.


The information provided is intended to be of general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice. Advice from an appropriate professionally qualified dietitian or health professional should be sought, for specific dietary requirements.

The Superhero Foods characters and concept are owned by Foodbank WA, which are registered trade marks and artistic works protected by copyright.  The characters may not be used unless expressly authorised by Foodbank WA. The copyright is owned by Foodbank WA, including copyright of the text and images. You may not adapt, reproduce, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works without the authorisation of Foodbank WA.

Foodbank WA grants any teacher, teachers’ aide, tutor or lecturer currently employed by, or volunteering at, an Australian educational institution (“Educational Users”) a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to reproduce the text and images for educational, non-commercial purposes in Australia only. Educational Users must attribute all materials containing Superhero Foods information/images to Foodbank WA, by including the following acknowledgement: “Provided courtesy of Foodbank WA”.

Foodbank WA grants any dietitian, nutritionist, health promotion officer, or health professional facilitating a service which is free of charge to the client, a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to reproduce the text and images for educational, non-commercial purposes in Australia only. The health professionals must attribute all materials containing Superhero Foods information/images to Foodbank WA, by including the following acknowledgement: “Provided courtesy of Foodbank WA”.

Foodbank WA does not permit the use of the Superhero Foods resources, where a profit is gained by coordinating a service at the expense of a client.


These are common defined terms:

“Everyday Foods” – Inexpensive, nutritious and readily available foods. They transform into their Superhero Foods alias. Everyday Foods have special powers if eaten (nutritional benefits) e.g. Athletic Tomato is packed with antioxidants to protect the body. Everyday Foods is the collective name of the characters therefore it requires to be capitalised and written as one word.

“Superhero Foods” – Transformation of the Everyday Foods characters. Superhero Foods have a similar super power (nutritional benefit) e.g. Saucy Lady is seriously full of antioxidants to fight illness. Superhero Foods is the collective name of the characters therefore it is required to be capitalised and written as one word.

“Zombie Foods”– Zombie Foods are sickly, creepy characters that portray foods and drinks that are known as “discretionary or extra foods”. Discretionary foods contain low levels of essential nutrients and are energy dense and if chosen should only be eaten sometimes and in small amounts (National Health and Medical Research Council, 2013). The Zombie foods are high in sugar, salt and fat. There are currently six Zombie Food characters: zombie chips, fizz, energy drink, choc and donut. Zombie Foods is the collective name of the characters therefore it is required to be capitalised and written as one word.

“Body Monsters” – Developed as a secondary theme to the Superhero Foods concept, the arch enemies represent the possible long term consequences of unhealthy food choices, being Zombie Foods. The arch enemies of the Everyday and Superhero Foods are Illness, Obesity and Decay, also known as Body Monsters; these characters aim to destroy a healthy way of life. Although, the arch villains depict negative health outcomes of poor food choices, the Superhero Foods concept is the primary focus of the overall theme. Body Monsters is the collective name of the characters therefore it is required to be capitalised and written as one word.


Any enquires regarding Superhero Foods please contact superherofoods@foodbankwa.org.au

Your privacy is important to Foodbank WA.

Foodbank WA recognises that providing personal information is an act of trust which we take seriously.

We are therefore committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information. It also provides information on how you can access and change your information or make a complaint.

  • 1. Collecting personal information

1.1 What is personal information? Personal information is information that identifies you as an individual or from which your identity can be reasonably identified. The types of personal information we may collect include your name, address, email, telephone or fax number, date of birth (for identification purposes) and debit or credit card number.

1.2 Why do we collect personal information? We only collect personal information for the purpose of running the day-to-day business of Foodbank WA. We may collect personal information about you when you interact with us including when you make an enquiry, apply to receive services or support from us, apply for a job or volunteer position, attend Foodbank WA’s functions, participate in our activities, purchase something, make a donation or otherwise deal or communicate with us.

We collect health information from you for the purpose of ensuring your safety if you participate in our events. If you make a donation or purchase products or services from us, your credit card and other bank details may be collected to process your donation or purchase order and to provide a receipt. We will not collect personal information about you if you ask us not to. However, if we do not collect your personal information, we may not be able to communicate with you or provide you with services.

1.3 How do we collect personal information? We collect personal information in a number of ways including from you directly when you interact with us either in person, by mail, telephone, email or online, including when we receive bookings for school visits, workshops or conferences. We also collect information from persons who wish to sign up to our mailing lists to receive our newsletters, register as a user on our websites and when we receive letters and emails from the general public. If we receive personal information about you from someone else without having asked for it, we will only continue to hold it if it is personal information that we could have collected from you ourselves, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

For all visitors browsing our websites, this policy applies to your use of the websites operated under the domain names foodbank.org.au and www.superherofoodshq.org.au (the “Foodbank websites”).The Foodbank websites may use cookies. A cookie is a small file which checks for permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. If permitted (e.g. through your browser’s settings), the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

Information collected in this way is not capable of personally identifying you. However, if you would prefer us not to collect anonymous cookie information about you at all, you can delete the cookies and reconfigure the cookie preferences on your internet browser. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website

  • 2. How we use and disclose your personal information

2.1 Using and disclosing personal information: We only hold, use and disclose personal information about you for the purposes outlined in section 1.2, or for related purposes which might be reasonably expected, unless we otherwise obtain your consent. We may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information (other than health information) to organise events and identify your entries, process payments, provide you with further information about Foodbank WA manage our services (including monitoring, auditing, and maintaining accurate records), manage our relationship with you, and deal with your enquiries and concerns. To do this, we may disclose your personal information to third parties who:

      • provide services which are necessary for us to conduct our business, such as our suppliers, couriers, storage providers, and with respect to auditing, debt collection, banking, insurance, marketing, technology, professional advisory (legal, accounting, financial and business consulting, evaluation agencies) and security services;
      • assist us in the organisation and hosting of Foodbank WA events;
      • are regulatory bodies, government agencies, police, courts and dispute resolution schemes;
      • are your authorised agents, executors, administrators or legal representatives.

We may also hold, use and disclose your personal information in connection with suspected fraud, misconduct and unlawful activity, and as part of a restructure of our business.

Should we obtain health information from you, we will only use it for the express purpose we obtain it for.

2.2 Direct marketing From time to time, we may use the personal information collected from you (other than health information) for direct marketing purposes, such as targeted advertising or special offers. We may contact you by telephone, mail, email and other means for these purposes .If we do contact you in this way, it will only be in relation to matters that would reasonably be expected. We will also ensure that our marketing activities comply with applicable law. If you no longer wish to receive any direct marketing communication from us, please follow the instructions for unsubscribing or contact us as set out in section 6 below.

  • 3. Keeping personal information secure

Before disclosing personal information we confirm the identity of the person we are disclosing that information to, in order to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure of the information. We also take measures to ensure the physical security of personal information at our premises.

When records containing personal information are no longer required for our business or by law, we delete the information or permanently de-identify it.

  • 4. Access and correction

Please keep us informed of any changes to your personal information.

If you wish to request access to or a correction or update of any personal information that Foodbank WA holds about you, please contact us via our feedback email on superherofoods@foodbankwa.org.au using the subject line “Privacy” or call us on (08) 9258 9277.

  • 5. Employees and Volunteers

The personal information you provide or we otherwise collect in relation to employment or volunteer opportunities is collected, used and disclosed to assess your application and conduct screening checks (including working with children, health, reference, identity, eligibility to work and criminal records checks). We may exchange your personal information with recruiters, screening check providers, law enforcement agencies, referees and your former employers. Without your personal information, we will not be able to process your application.

  • 6. Complaints

If you believe that we have not complied with our obligations relating to your personal information, please contact us as follows:

By phone:

Call 08 9258 9277 between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday

By mail:

Mail your written complaint to:

23 Abbott Road,Perth Airport  WA  6985
Ph: 08 9258 9277

By email:

Send an email at any time to info@foodbankwa.org.au using the subject line “Privacy”

If you feel we have not properly dealt with a complaint, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at enquiries@oaic.gov.au or on 1300 363 992 or the Office of the Western Australian Information Commissioner at info@foi.wa.gov.au or on (08) 6551 7888.

  • 7. Updates

We may review and amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to address changes to laws and to reflect our current operations and practices. You can obtain the current version on request or at foodbankwa.org.au

Last updated: July 2024