
What does ‘eating in season’ mean? 

March 4, 2025

‘Eating in season’ refers to buying and eating fruits and vegetables close to the time they have been picked within the natural growing season of the food. Buying and eating fruits and vegetable which are in season is great way of saving money, helping the environment and eating food that is tasty and nutritious.  For example, you may notice supermarkets selling mangoes during the winter months, when we know mangoes naturally are ripe for picking at the peak of summer.  These mangoes may have been imported from overseas, travelling thousands of miles to fill our supermarket shelves.   

Benefits of eating in season 

There are several benefits for eating fruit and vegetables in season, these include:  

– The price of fruits and vegetables purchased in season are cheaper. 

– The quality is better as fruits and vegetables are fresher, making them tastier. 

– Lowers environmental impact – especially if grown locally as it takes less resources and time to transport and store food.  

– Supports local growers and farmers.  

– Nutrients in the fruit and vegetables are maximised (high in nutrients). 

– Eating seasonally throughout the year adds variety to your diet.  

Fruit and vegetables which are out of season are harvested early to allow time for shipping and distribution. Therefore, if fruit and veg are picked at their peak of ripeness they are better tasting, making it beneficial to eat fruit and veg in season. 

If your favourite fruit and vegetables are out of season a great alternative is to buy them frozen or canned as they are available all year round. Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables are great options if fresh food isn’t available as they are cheap, have a long shelf life and contain high amounts of nutrients.  

Benefits of eating a variety of fruit and vegetables  

Fruits and vegetables are two of the five core food groups identified in the Australian Dietary Guidelines. It is recommended in Guideline 2 of the Australian Dietary Guidelines to enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from each of the five food groups every day.  

Choosing different coloured fruits and vegetables, increases the variety of nutrients which can improve your health. When you buy seasonal produce, it means you will eat a greater range of fruits and vegetables which will provide your body with a variety of different nutrients and benefits all year round.  

Eating a variety of fruit is important for fibre, vitamins and minerals. Fibre is important for our bodies digestive system and keeps your stomach fuller for longer. Fruit also contains a high amount of vitamins and minerals which helps support immunity and overall health. The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults eat two serves of fruit per day, this may look like one apple, one cup of canned fruit, or two small kiwi fruits.  

Additionally, it is recommended to only consume dried fruit and fruit juice occasionally. Dried fruit is high in energy, and you can easily eat more than you realise. Fruit juice is acidic which can harm teeth and has less fibre than whole fruit. However, both options still provide your body with important sources of vitamins and minerals.  


Vegetables are nutrient dense, meaning they contain lots of different nutrients. Like fruit, they are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. It is important to eat a variety of vegetables as they help protect the body in different ways such as supporting heart health. All vegetables provide vitamin C however, some vegetables like capsicum, broccoli and tomatoes are very high in vitamin C.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend adults eat five serves of vegetables per day. Examples of different serves of vegetables include one cup raw salad vegetables, half a cup of cooked green or orange vegetables, half a cup of canned beans or half a medium potato.  

Cooking with fruits and vegetables  

Fruits and vegetables are versatile foods in cooking. For example, fruit can be eaten fresh, added to different meals like cereals, salads or for a convenient snack on the go. A variety of fruits can also be added to fruit-based desserts such as fruit crumbles, pikelets or muffins. You can check out some tasty, simple and healthy recipes here

Humble Crumble nom! Recipe
MAD Muffins nom! Recipe
Chocolate Banana Pikelets nom! Recipe

These recipes contain a variety of fruit options, either fresh, dried, frozen or canned. Therefore, using fruits that can be found available all year round.  

Eating five serves of vegetables a day can be a challenge; however, by trying to incorporate vegetables into every meal or snack this can help you increase the amounts of vegetables you consume. Vegetables can be used fresh, frozen, canned or dried and can be eaten raw, steamed, stir fried or baked. Adding herbs and spices to your veggies can be a great way to add flavour. Foodbank WA has a range of delicious healthy recipes on Superhero Foods HQ which are packed with veggies. These include recipes like salads, stir fry’s and dips.  

Crazy Corn Dip nom! Recipe
Noodle Ninja Mince nom! Recipe
Rainbow Salad nom! Recipe

All recipes have been designed in line with the Australian Dietary Guidelines.  

By eating in season, it can enable you to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables all year round which will benefit your health, improve the environment and lower your food budget.